Tuesday, August 30, 2011

snacks + days

So First off...

Austin took this picture and told me to put it on my blog. haha.

He said it's the Amish Cake cousins.

He went home teaching and brought home a piece of vanilla Amish Cake to put by our Chocolate Amish cake. hahaha.

And we figured they are 5th cousins because 5 starts ago, they were the same start. haha. :)

Then my hubby also took this random picture of me opening the dishwasher.

I didn't even know he took it until I was looking at pictures last night! haha.

He's so funny :)

Then I just had to put up a picture of the chicken spaghetti I made! Austin loves it! :)

I like it a lot too... I just wish I didn't put as much onions in it that it called for because I don't like onions...

you're probably wondering now, "Well Aubree, why did you plant onions in your garden?"

Austin talked me into it, and they give a good flavor... I just don't like the BITING into an onion.. EWWW!!!!! haha.

(except f it's an onion ring.. I love those! I'm weird I know.. haha.)

But this spaghetti was MIGHTY TASTY!! YUM TO MY TUM!! :D

Last night for dinner, we just had a snack dinner.

I made some wrap bites!

which are super easy. Cream Cheese and the ranch powder mix stuff and mix it together and spread on tortilla shell.. then put lunch meat on top, roll it up, cut it up and BAM! You've got wrap bites! :)

Then I made Caramel Popcorn! and we watched Where the Red Fern Grows :)

It was my first time seeing it, and it may or may not have made me cry... that's for you to keep guessing :) haha.

But this is the caramel I made...

It's really easy too!

It's my family secret though.... if you'd like the recipe it might take a lot of begging...

:) But it is DELISH!!

Now.... here are some days....

I get up, get ready...

and then I take a picture or two to make sure I look fine.... haha.

My sister Sheena always teased me about it when we were stilll at home..

But now I bet she does it too because it works! haha. Just Kidding! I highly doubt she does :)

She just is always gorgeous and doesn't need a picture to prove it! haha. :)

Well today I got a little bored, so I started shaping my eyebrows because I haven't taken care of them since my wedding day, so they were a little out of control... haha. then I got sick of being inside, so I went outside and started taking A MILLION pictures for fun while hubby's at work! :)

I take pictures for fun and of everything if you couldn't already tell :) haha.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

ashley mikell said...

Can I please have the chicken spaghetti recipe?

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