So this is a relief society survival kit!
I got it when I was welcomed in to relief soiety. It has a bowl in case I get asked to bring a salad or something to a ward party. :)
It has the relief society theme in big and small...
The Living Christ..
The Gospel Principles book...
A picture of the ten virgins..
my favorite candy bar (Twix)...
and a wallflower so my room can smell good!!
Don't you love it?? :D I do!
Thanks Relief Society.
My mom went to Pocatello this weekend so I was in charge of watching Rusten.
On Friday we went to my friend's reception, then picked up Austin's sweet Rock Revivals.
Then we went to Orange Leaf and afterwards sat on the roof and talked!! :D

Then yesterday we did yard work in Austin and my yard.... for 81/2 hours!!!!
Ahhh.... And of course I Didn't think about sunscreen since its like the first hot day...
Ya.. I got fried.. now I have a farmer's tan... Dang it! haha.
And by we, I mean Austin and I. ha. Just kidding... Rusten helped a little..
But he brought his sweet helicopters so he was playing with them and he was playing on the swing set. ha.
I trimmed pine trees all by myself and they look good!!
I was so happy! And Austin trimmed a few other trees and they look awesome too!!
We worked on our garden and strawberry patch and I mowed the lawn!! :D
This morning I woke up and went to post this blog and turned on my camera to put the pictures on and I found this picture...

Rusten and I dead asleep.....
Rusten likes my bed so he always sleeps in it..
But I thought it was funny that they took a picture of us dead asleep. haha.
It was probably Andy. :)
Well I'm off to church to use my relief society survival kit :)
Have a great sabbath! :D