So as of yesterday I am 15 weeks!!! AHHHH!!! Only 5 more weeks until the half way mark and finding out what we are having!! :) I am so excited! :) Right now my baby is the size of an apple!!! haha.
Well... I have a story for you guys about our baby announcement pictures...
So we took them and we took the first couple in this pose (which is what I ended up choosing)...
Then we took a couple in this pose which I didn't really like...
Then I realized I forgot to put on my wedding ring, and so we took a couple zoomed in on the baby, but I was trying to hide my ring finger, which led to the awkward hand...
Doesn't that look like an awkward position?? hahaha... Ya so we went with the first pose, cause Aust was getting too cold for me to get my ring and take more pictures. haha. We decided it's ok that my ring isn't on.. everyone know's we're married anyway!! haha
Well I sent the announcement to my brother, who is on his mission, and he wrote back and said, "Did you forget to put your wedding ring on, or did you get pregnant out of wedlock?! haha jk."
Ya Andy, you know me.. hahahaha. Just kidding. I told him, he was the only person to notice I wasn't wearing my ring other than Aust and I. haha. So that was good.
But don't worry... I am married, and I don't forget to wear my ring anymore. haha. (Most of the time)
Anyway... enjoy this Easter weekend!! :)
I hope you take time to remember what Easter is really all about! :)
So enjoy your weekend, and don't try pulling the awkward hand in a picture... it just doesn't flow! hahhaa.
Or do... and feel really awkward... like I do every time I look at that picture!! hahahha.
Ok... I'm done!! haha. Peace!
P.S. Only one week left of this semester and then I am done until the baby comes!!! YAY!!!! I am so excited and so ready for this semester to be over!! :)
aww so cute and exciting! i cant wait till i have kids too :)
oh how exciting!! I'm new to your blog today, but wanted to share my congrats! This is the best life changing experience :-) I look forward to starting my family one day!
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