This is my group! :) Logan and Taylor are holding hands. hahahaha.

Me and Taylor. ha. I thought it was funny. ha.
So Wednesday was my first day on the job. It was so fun! :) Sydnee really wanted to do my hair after I did hers, so I let her.
Then we played with these bendaroo things. Kids toys now days are SO much cooler than when I was a kid. ha. Like now days they make toys so they aren't messy and easy to clean up.
Then we went in a fort Dawson and Brady made. It was fun.
Well while I was working, my cheer team from last year had an end of the year barbeque. I wasn't able to go, but it sounded like fun. Well Johnie brought me my award to gymnastics that night.

(This is my award. I got the award for being the strongest on the team. haha. I pretty much have downed all this candy already haha.)

(This is my award. I got the award for being the strongest on the team. haha. I pretty much have downed all this candy already haha.)
Gymnastics was crazy. It was so fun though. It felt good to be back in the swing of things. :)
Yesterday Morgan and I went to breakfast at Subway after cheer practice. It was yummy! Their chocolate milk is the best! :)
When I got home, my mom was rotatilling the flower beds so I helped her smooth it out and now the yard looks great! :)
Last Night I went to Harp Lessons and my harp teacher, Sister Pack, and I decided to choose out a song that has the word "SUN" in it because we want it to be summer!! haha. And I saw my sister's new car her and her husband just bought. It is so cute, and it is perfect like them. haha. :)Then I went to Rigby to a jewelry party. It was fun. They had pretty jewelry. It was a Lia Sophia one, if you've ever heard of that. ha. I fell in love with this bracelet and this necklace piece. :) Well when I left, Morgan and I went into I.F. We took a trip to Cold Stone and I decided to try something new. :) I got the Strawberry Banana Rendezvous. It was DELICIOUS! Then we went to the movie "Just Wright!" It was such a cute movie!
(Morgan and I last night!)
Today is a great day. I don't have work or cheer so it's like a free day. It feels SO good. I caught up on sleep. I got a letter and read it! And I am just going with the flow today! haha. :)
Everyone have a wonderful Friday!! :)
P.S. Funny story... if you want to hear it, read on....
So today the UPS man came. He was like acting like nothing was wrong and when he started walking back to his UPS truck then our dog was sitting there and was growling at him. It was scary, but it was funny cause the guy was like putting his little computer thing down by his legs to guard himself. ha. I felt bad for him. Our dog has never acted like that. It was kinda sad to see him like that cause he is usually a good dog to everyone. So when I saw the UPS man it reminded me of a story. haha.
A few summers ago we were driving in WY and my brother's friend, Austin, came along. Not Austin my missionary... a different one. haha. Well Austin was done with his Mountain Dew so he threw it out the sunroof and right as he did, a UPS guy drove by. We looked in the rear view mirror and we see the UPS guy flipping his truck around and he starts chasing after us.... like reckless driving. haha. Well my sister JoDee was driving, and she didn't want to pass my mom and Doug so the UPS guy blocked off the enterance to the freeway and gets out of his car and tells us that he was driving along the road when out of nowhere, a Mountain Dew bottle hits him in the head. He tells us to turn around and pick it up or else he will turn us in. So we did as he said and picked up the bottle. Afterwards, we were thinking about how funny and ironic it was that the bottle went through the door of the UPS truck and hit him in the head. hahahahhaha. It was such a great trip to WY. ha.
Sorry, that doesn't even have anything to do with things I did the past couple of days, but I was just thinking about it and thought you would enjoy it! haha. :)
that is such a funny story! haha
and it sounds like you are having a great summer so far, lady! i love reading your blog!
sydnee is so cute! ha. :] and i love your UPS story! haha that's so funny!
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